english for communication
Are you currently enrolled on or about to begin our General English Course? Would you like to experience our Intensive English for Communication programme with 9 extra classroom hours? Then this is your chance to do so with a 50% discount on the upgrade fee.
*Offer valid for courses running till the 30th of November, 2023. Spaces are limited. Offer does not apply to students already enrolled in an EFC course.
What you’ll get
A more intense period of study and the chance to maximise your progress, while still allowing you time to explore Dublin.
An extra 9 hours per week gives you the time to fully activate your English, collaborate and communicate using 21st century skills.
Project work that will focus on universal themes and real-life skills allowing you to draw on your own experience and that of your fellow classmates.
Video presentations, podcasts, blogs will allow you to bring your own backgrounds and expertise to the group and develop your learning skills through collaboration.